"Neuro Brain Rewire" coaching program with other balancing methods such as: Neurotransmitter Balancing Therapy, Complete Alignment Technique, Bio-modulator Frequency Machine, Rapid Eye Therapy, EFT emotional freedom technique, Body Code and Emotional Code by Bradley Nelson, Dr. Randy Robirds Balancing Method, SimplyAligned Method by Carolyn Cooper, Dr. Byron Katie's "Loving What Is" method and many more. These powerful methods of balancing will clear negative emotions on a sub-conscious level and physical in an easy, fast, non-evasive way. They are simple, proven, and effective!
It does not have to take months and months to get relief, change and results to move past difficult life experiences. You can release stress of any kind whether it is years of abuse or daily things that tend to overwhelm your emotional circuitry.
These balancing and alignment methods clear many issues at a time (not just one or two) in a graceful way. Many balancing modalities work only with Chakras, Auras, or Meridians, but the balancing therapy methods I use tune up all 7 Systems and clean up stored memories of the past that are causing fatigue and blocks. The difficult unexpected things in life no longer need to be stuffed in side creating resentments and disease. You can free yourself quickly, and move on to an enjoyable successful life.
In addition flaws in the DNA can be quickly located and repaired, some of which have been in the your lineage for many generations. Depression, phobias, addictions, fears, ill-health or even money problems are a few of the issues that get passed down through the genetic code.
With Cozanne's all inclusive Brain and Body Balancing Therapies, she can trace it back to its origin and clear it from your lineage and yourself.
With Cozanne's all inclusive Brain and Body Balancing Therapies, she can trace it back to its origin and clear it from your lineage and yourself.
These methods create huge personal transformation. Give you back your life an help you create the life you desired, by improving emotional well being, repairing relationships, releasing stress, weight loss, supporting business productivity and much more.
Lastly, these aligning methods help people re-balance from past or current traumas without having to re-live them by talking about them. It is not necessary to spend years coming to terms with your challenging past. We simply change patterns, habits, and programs stuck in the subconscious beliefs. Clients constantly report profound and life-changing results!